Making a Responsive Table In Blogger Post

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This article may helps the readers to find it easy in order to be able to insert or modified a table which responsive in blogger post.

We provide a multiple section just for you to be able to insert the table correctly without finding it hard to modified.

What is Blogger Table

Blogger table is a set of item's that you want your readers to see in an concordance manner which it may help the reader to direct with he is looking for.

How to Add Responsive Table in Blogger Post

There are many methods available to add Table in Blogger Post, The common one is using HTML attributes like TD, TH etc. 

How To Create a Responsive Blogger Table

But creating table for blogger post using HTML is total waste of time, It also needs high html skill but blogger’s don’t have that much time to invest as they require more time to create quality articles for their blogs.

How To Create a Responsive Blogger Table Using HTML 

So Easiest Method to add responsive table inside blogger post easily and fully customizable, & that can be done without using HTML codes and also without any special software’s, Maybe you are thinking what it is, So without wasting much time i will share the basic secret.

How To Insert Table in blogger post without HTML tags.

This method is very simple and easy to add Responsive Table in blogger post easily without HTML, So follow below step by step guide to add Table in blogger.

Step 1 – Open your Microsoft Word App – Any version is okay. Then click on Insert > Table > select rows & columns and Press Enter.

Step 2 – The Next step is Designing your Table – Go to Design option > Select preferred design and Enter. as shown below.

Step 3 -Then put your content inside Table as you like.

Step 4 – Then press Ctrl+A to copy whole table > Go to blogger > Paste table in content box.

Step 5 – The Table will be fully compatible with blogger post editor > You can change Text colour > Text Size using blogger editor tools, If you want to add more rows or columns in table then again go to Microsoft word and then right click and select option insert row or column.

Conclusion !

I hope this will be helpful to you writers because adding table in blogger post when needed can make the article awesome when the visitors are reading the article.

This means that not every post has to do with a table but when needed you find it helpful.

Drops your comments if there is any suggestion with this tutorial that we made thanks for reading.