How to Change Android Google Chrome Browser in Desktop view 2022


Google chrome browser is an accepted and highly recommend in the world, it has been used for a long period of time since when google announce it's release in 2008.

With Google chrome you can browse as much as you can and visit many school portals and other websites.

Google Chrome can allow it user to change view using it android version to view as in Desktop view  by modified it in setting, this normally occurs when you're to visit some portals that can be reach in android view.

There are some criteria to follows in changing it android view to Desktop view.

1. Make sure your cellular mobile data is switch on in other to faster the work

2. Open a google chrome browser in your android phone

3. Click on the three (3) dots on the right hand site of the chrome browser a dialogue box will appear with many selection

4. As your moving down the browser a select option is there with "Desktop view" then click in it, a desktop view will start to load

5. Then search for any website or portal that views in desktop and browser it will be shown as this in the picture

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