(NEDC ICT) Resources Training Program 2022 - Apply Now


Our vision, though simple, yet very emphatic, is to catalyse the birth of new businesses and ensure the survival of new and existing businesses at the North East region of Nigeria.

Entrepreneurship Development & Book Keeping

This program focuses on mindset re-engineering of the participants. Participants are exposed to what it means to practice entrepreneurship, the mindset of successful entrepreneurs, and what they must do to succeed as entrepreneurs.

It also has Bookkeeping for small business owners as an added course to equip program participants with needed tools to be complete entrepreneurs

Fundamentals of computing

As most of our participants would not have had previous interactions with a computer system prior to participating on the program, the computer appreciation course was designed to prepare participants for the major Computer related courses of the ICT Resource Training program.

Participants undergo trainings on introduction to parts and functions of the computer system and how to use various software applications to solve everyday computing needs. 

Smartphone Repairs

The smartphone repairs course will take the participants through the fundamentals of telecommunication, the component parts of the smartphone, introduction to basic electronics, and how everything comes together during repairs.

By the end of the course, participants would be able to repair any type of smartphone – Hardware and Software

Graphics Design

Graphics designs made the list of courses for strategic reasons. The north is known for beautiful works of art and craft. The graphics design training was designed to fit in with the culture and needs of the region.

By the end of this course, participants would be able to effectively carry out designing and printing of graphics; incorporate computer designs in caps making, clothe designs, calendars, etc. and generate income. 

How To Apply
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