High-Value Scholarships in Canada for International Students over $50,000 CAD - NAIJA STICK

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High-Value Scholarships in Canada for International Students over $50,000 CAD

Oct 1, 2023

High-Value Scholarships in Canada for International Students over $50,000 CAD:

Most Scholarships in Canada with values over $50,000 for undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. students.

But did you know that the country, through its generous organizations and institutions, is more than willing to support these students financially?

Buckle up, because we’re about to unveil ten of the grandest scholarships available in Canada, each worth over $50,000 CAD.

Benefits ofScholarships in Canada for International Students

    • Complete Healthcare: Because your health is a priority.

    • Financial Aid: Tailored for your educational expenses.

    • Monthly Allowances: Helping you cover your daily costs.

    • Food and Housing: Sometimes, even these basics are taken care of.

    • Tuition Waivers: Imagine not having to worry about college fees!

And guess what? 

Some scholarships even throw in:

    • Relocation Funds: Making your move smoother.

    • Exclusive Event Passes: For global conferences and seminars.

    • Golden Networking.   

    • Opportunities: Broaden those horizons.

    • Sports Involvements: Because all work and no play.

High-Value Canadian Scholarships Overview

Schulich Leaders Scholarship

   • Value: $100,000

   • For: High school graduates

   • Field: Science, math, engineering

   • Info: Top-tier Canadian award

Loran Scholarship

    • Value: $100,000

    • For: Outstanding leaders

    • By: Loran Scholars Foundation and Canadian institutions

UofT International Scholar Award

    • Value: $80,000 – $180,000 over 4 years

    • For: International students with exceptional academics

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

    • Value: $50,000/year for 3 years

    • For: Ph.D. students

    • Criteria: Leadership, academics, research skills

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship

    • Value: $70,000 over 2 years

    • For: Postdoctoral researchers in various fields

York U International Student Scholarships

    • Value: $80,000 – $180,000

    • For: York U students, including internationals

    • Goal: Support for economically challenged students

WU International President’s Entrance Scholarship

    • Value: $50,000

    • For: International students at Western University

Calgary International Entrance Scholarship

    • Value: $60,000

    • For: International students or Canadian permanent residents

    • Focus: High school academic excellence

    • Duration: Undergraduate years

Lester B. Pearson Scholarships at UofT

    • Value: >$50,000

    • For: Undergraduates

    • Covers: Full educational cost

Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarships

    • Value: $60,000

    • Goal: Foster future leaders

    • For: Ph.D. students merging learning with service